Become a monster hunter in a solo, co-op or competitive open world adventure game & slay the monsters for a bag of silver coins!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
May Update - White Box Print
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 08:59:45 AM
Hey Hunters!
The summer is near and June has already started. There were not a lot of new things that happened during the May so we will keep this update brief and concise. Pledge manager is still open for anyone that has yet to fulfill the survey. We have been trying to solve each of your issues thus far, so if anyone is still having any troubles with Pledge Manager or has any questions for us, we will be happy to help in this regard.
The most important update for us is most likely the white box print. For those who do not know what that is, it is simply the print of all of our components without the actual art on it. So it is a sort of a blank copy.
So why would we need one? Well, it actually helps us a lot in terms of optimizing the game components. This includes the game box dimensions and volumetric that comes with it, exact weight of the game, miniature 3D models (where we can see if the STL files are designed optimally and that there are no fragile parts, which could potentially break) and most importantly we can also see how it all fits in the box and how to package it after.
We have also been focusing more on the design of the new scenarios, unlocked with stretch goals and the scenarios of the Trinity expansion so we might be able to share some awesome info about those in the next updates and reveal the new mechanics and ways of playing the game that come with them.
The recently chosen community scenario Enygma is also being designed at the moment so we will be able to share it with you guys soon. We are pretty excited about that one as well. So expect to have some cool new scenarios revealed next update.
Other than that, we are still in discussions with multiple potential localization partners and are having meetings as weel as sending them our Tabletopia links, so they are able to check the game for themselves. We have also started working on the rulebook more in depth so we can have the final version ready as soon as possible.
That will be all for this update. Have a wonderful and hopefully warm and sunny June and may your bags be full of silver coins ;)
April Update - Some Art & Pledge Manager Update
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 09:37:03 AM
Hey Hunters, we are back with another update.
A month has passed and Pledge Manager is now ongoing and so far witout any major issues. Here is a quick recap and some guidelines for the FAQ you had regarding the PM.
So far 58% of you have completed the survey. Which means 42% of you still need to do it. There is plenty of time, so do not worry about that but regardless, we suggest completing it earlier rather than too late.
For anyone that has not gotten the email with the survey and link to pledge manager for whatever reason, here is the link!
If anyone is having any problems, let us know by email or in the Kickstarter DMs and we will see to it and even fix your pledge manager survey if needed.
When will I be charged?
Your cards will be charged just before the fulfillment process. That way you can make any changes to your address or your order if you want and we avoid any complications by then.
How do I choose local pickup?
You need to select it under countries. Backerkit has it set up like that. So the first question you are asked in the survey is: Select your country for shipping. There you need to select local pickup option instead of your country of residence.
I pledged for 1€ but I cannot upgrade to base pledge. What can I do?
All you need to do is select the base pledge as an add-on. We might have messed something up when setting up the pledge manager or it might just be a backerkit thing. But regardless, you can select the base pledge under add-ons. If you however wish to upgrade to All-in, you are able to do that without any problems.
I have my apple ID email as a backer and cannot login to pledge manager. What do I do?
We have sent a DM to everyone with such an email so check your Kickstarter inbox and we will fix everything on our end.
Here is a quick art update. We are sharing the newest townsfolk art of the lovely Troubadour. We hope you like it because we sure do. Rok did an amazing job with this one and there are more to come!
We also have an update regarding the 3D art of your community character Spellbalde. This is definitely not the final version yet but we wanted to share the progress. Once finished, you will receive her STL file if you want to print her own miniature yourself. We changed the pose to the 3D art, to make it more unique and dynamic for the print.
That is all for today hunters. Have a wonderful remainder of the week and may your bags be full of silver coins.
Pledge Manager and How to Use it
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:08:44 AM
Hey Hunters!
Tomorrow we will start with Pledge Manager. It is currently still going through a review, so it may be possible that the surveys end up being delayed for a day or two. Since we still need to do a smoke test after the review (if all is good on the review). But regardless, this week you should all get an email with the invitation to the Backerkit Pledge Manager and its survey.
Now for those of you, who never used Pedge Manager and for those that are not familiar with Backerkit platform, we prepared a short User Friendly introduction which will hopefully help you out through the process.
Keep in mind that if you stumble upon any problem during the process, we or the Backerkit support team will be more than happy to lend you a hand to get everything sorted out.
Currently we will let the Pledge Manager be open for 4 months so all of you will have enough time to figure everything out.
Now without further ado, let's jump into the tutorial.
First, you will all be redirected to this first page, depending on your pledge tier. Select your Country and State/Region and proceed with the big green Get Started! button ;)
There is an option for local pickup. But keep in mind!
We will only be delievering local pickup here in Slovenia. SO DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO PICKUP THE GAME HERE IN SLOVENIA! It is possible that we come to Essen Spiel this year or next year but since the situation is unpredictable ... both when the game is ready and when and if we go to Essen, we will not be delievering the game for local pickup there. Although some of you would have liked that, it is too unpredictable to promise you something like that.
With Local pickup, you will not be charged for shipping. However you will still need to pay your Slovenian VAT (which is 22%).
choose your version of the game in the next step. Currently, there is only an English and a French version available, so choose the one, which you'd like to have. Same then applies to the Trinity Expansion if you pledged the All-in version.
For those of you that are steadily anticipating German version (or Italian, spanish etc). Currently, we cannot promise anything, so what we suggest, is to select English version for now (unless of course you want French version). If we sign a licensee which would translate the game into your prefered language during or after the Pledge Manager, you will all be given an option to change your pledge to that language.
Next, the add-ons.
Those of you who overpledged during the campaign will have their funds transfered to this Pledge Manager. This means that you will be able to select the add-ons you already paid for during the campaign. These funds will be shown to you as Complimentary credits.
Everyone else will be also given an option to additionally select add-ons you want.
Those who pledged the Deluxe All-in version will already receive all the add-ons with their game, so you do not have to additionally select these specific add-ons. However, if you wish to purchase additional add-ons, the All-in discount will still be applied, so you will be able to purchase add-ons much cheaper.
For all UK and EU based backers, VAT will also be charged in the Pledge Manager depending on your country VAT policy. This VAT will be charged here. so do not be alarmed if you see applied VAT to your order even if you haven't selected any additional add-ons. We did not charge VAT during the campaign to spare our fellow US and non-EU based backers.
Next you will need to fill in your shipping address. Nothing fancy here, so you should all know the drill.
If you happen to change your address after the Pledge Manager has concluded, let us know via email so we can let our Fulfillment partner know about it and deliever the game to your new addess safely and without reprecaution.
If you do not let us know in time, there is nothing we can do about it anymore and the game will be shipped to your old address. So please be careful of that.
Last but not least, you need to confirm your order and pay for the shipping and possible VAT. Enter your credit card information safely and click Place My Order.
This should be it. If you have any problems let us know and we will do our best to help you out.
Have a wonderful start of the week and may your bags be full of silver coins.
March Update: Pledge Manager is here!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 09:16:06 AM
Hey Hunters!
We are back with an update. Before we tackle everything thats happened lately and share all game related updates, we have an important announcement for you all.
The whole timeline for the project will need to be moved back for a bit. For us this game and the entire project is one of our main priorities since it has taken us more than 5 years to get it to where it is now. A lot of time, effort and resources were also poured into it so it is really important to us. But this is something you are all already familiar with or at least most of you are. Above all we want to give each of you, that has supported us, the best possible version of the game. This means that the quality of the end product is of the highest importance to us and we do not want to rush anything if it means compromising the quality we seek.
With that being said, since we are doing this as a "hobby" and not as our daily job we are all dependent on the so called 'free time' we are given. And that free time can be highly unpredictable as you all already know, especially when there are children invloved.
Each of us has a daily job with which we can get by and feed our families. Each of us also has a family which also needs a lot of dedicated time. Some more than others since also children are involved. But besides all that there are also unpredictable situations which may occur occasionally. And this is exactly what happened... life. Lately things have been on the slower end but we were managing everything. However, one of our team members is facing an unexpected eviction in the near future and will need to dedicate a lot of this 'free time' to figure out the situation and provide his family a pleasant situation.
It was always really important for us to be transparent with all of you with everything that is happening and this will not change. So thank you for understanding the situation and for staying patient and we will make sure that the game you receive in the end is exactly what you expected when you supported us if not better.
Pledge manager is ready and will open on Tuesday 21st of March. Since fulfillment is probably a year off we will leave it open for 4 months so you all have enough time for everything.
On Monday we will also send you a short update with instructions for anyone who is new to Pledge Manager or just new to Backerkit version of it.
As mentioned in the last update we sent a copy of our game to our Licensing agent... and it bore some fruit :D
Now, nothing is confirmed yet obviously, since you would be the first to know but there have been a lot of interest from various parties and we had talks with potential partners in these weeks. As soon as more is known about this we will let you know but this is a very good news and we hope for the best. If we sign any licensing deal you will be able to change your pledge to that language during the pledge manager.
We started working with a new 3D artist and he is already drawing the next 3D model. He should be done in the next few days so we will share his work in the next update.
We are also finishing up the 2D art. In the last update we shared Librarian art for our Townsfolk cards. In this update we can also share the Monster Hunters Townsfolk card.
You were voting on the new community scenario ideas last update and the response was amazing. 85 votes gives for a really good sample size and very fair results.
The result were very, very close so it came down to 2 votes difference. In the end the winning scenario is: ENYGMA.
Those who really wished to see one of the other scenarios get featured, do not get discouraged. If all goes as planned we have plenty of opportunities to expand on the game content which includes additional scenarios.
That will be all for today, have a pleasant weekend hunters and may your bags be full of silver coins!
January Update: Time to choose!
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 11:54:05 AM
Hey Hunters!
First and foremost we wish each and everyone of you health, happiness, success and lots of fun playing board games in 2023. For us 2022 was a very chaotic but a very important year. After 5 years of hard work we finally began our Kickstarter campaign and concluded it far above our expectations. Well... concluded may not be the right word, as it is far from concluded. The campaign will be concluded for us when each of you has Silver Coin: AOMH game at your doorstep and when you can wholeheartedly tell us that you managed to play it and hopefully also enjoyed it! So with that being said, let us see where we stand in terms of post campaign progress and what is new since December.
This is going to be a bit of a longer update, since there is tons of things going on. So bare with us or skip to the sections that interest you the most. We will talk about:
Pledge Manager
Choose your Community Scenario!
That last one is really important to us, so make sure to vote and choose wisely ;)
Last update we got a very good suggestion to include a progression scale graphic, so all of you can visualise our progress and see where the state of the game development is. This is our first attempt at this, so be gentle :P Let us know if you have any suggestion for the next update, since we will gladly include them.
First, lets address the elephant in the room. As promised in the last update we will open the pledge manager at the end of next month. Official date currently is: 28th of February. Closer to the date we will let you know if there are any changes. Also expect to receive invitations to the Pledge Manager and a very short update one week prior to the PM opening with confirmation of the date and any additional information you need.
In PM you will need to cover the shipping costs depending on the country you are from (More about Shipping and Fulfillment in the section below) and if you are from EU or UK also VAT depending on your country's laws and policy.
Anyone who wishes to include any add-ons to their pledge will also be able to do that in pledge manager. We will most likely also include certain new add-ons for anyone interested. (e.g. Card sleeves). More information on that one week prior to the PM opening.
So far we still only have 2 languages available (English and French). However we are doing everything in our power to make other languages available as well (looking at you Germany).
We have sent one of our prototype to our Licencing Agency, who will be visiting Nürnberg Toy Fair in our stand. Nürnberg Fair, for those that do not know yet, is the largest international trade fair for toys and games and as you might have guessed it, it is held in Nürnberg, Germany. Hence, our game will be represented there by our Agency and hopefully we will have succesfull negotiations with potential licencing and localisation partners from all around the world and especially frm Germany.
Of course in case we do not come to an agreement with anyone by the start of pledge manager, there will still be time by the start of mass production.
And if worst comes to worst, as promised, we will at least ensure the German Rulebook for all of you that wish for the german edition.
Again, we will do as much as we can to bring as many language editions as possible. It is one of our main wishes and priorities. Keep your fingers crossed!
We also had a meeting with our fulfillment partner Shipquest as well as a few of our contacts to make shipping and fulfillment for everyone as quick, safe and cheap as possible. So far it is looking well so expect us to have all the needed information for shipping ready by the start of Pledge Manager.
In our discussions with the manufacturer we are trying to make sure the product is optimized and the quality is appropriate when everything is ready for production. Our friends at Freecompany who completed a KS project a good year ahead of us were satisfied with them and have successfully completed their project with the same partner so that is good news.
Apart from finishing the design process and Rulebooks this is practically the last part we need to finish before we can put everything up for production. Since the Scenarios and playtesting are gonna take us a bit of time to make sure everything is nice and tight our Artists have time to calmly work on the art without any rush. Below is a sneak peek into the process and art made for one of the Townsfolk cards the Librarian. Hope you like it. We think our artist Rok is doing amazing work.
While we are working on balancing the additional Characters we have unlocked during the Kickstarter (Berserker, Necromancer, Hussar and soon to be SpellBlade) and working on the additional unlocked Scenario, it is also time we wrap up the Community Choice for a Scenario. We will need to create it and make sure everything works with that one as well. So without further ado probably the single most important thing in this update is for you guys to cast your vote for what kind of a Scenario you would like to see added to Silver Coin: Age of Monster Hunters final game. In the design phase of the game we had plenty of really cool ideas that we simply didnt have resources to focus on (Time/$) but now we will of course devote to it. So below we are giving you 5 options from which you can choose. We will provide a sneak peak and short description for each of the options to help you choose
A) Celestial Bodies- Stars have been the guiding point throughout the centuries and they will guide your way to the end of your journey. Will you be able to find the pattern in the sky?
B) Rescue - Danger approaches, but time is running out. It is not too late though as the creature draws near you may still be able to save the inhabitants. One thing is certain though. There is no escaping it, will you be able to prepare for the final battle?
C) Journey of the Hunter - This one is a bit more personal and dives into the story of one of our Monster Hunters. Learn more about them and their inner Deamons' they have to face and overcome.
D) Enygma - Tricks and Mirrors, nothing is what it seems. Do you have what it take to separate the illusion from the reality.
E) Something Different - There is a whole pile of others we have as well. This was a project 5 years in the making after all. We'll look into our bag and discuss and pull one of the Mystery surprises for you out of it. If you want something else or just want to be totally surprised by what is coming to your doorstep choose this option.
This will be all hunters. Expect next update on 21st of February with short information on Pledge Manager details.
Have a wonderful remainder of the week and even more wonderful start of the year and as always may your bags be full of Silver coins ;)